  • Class and Course

    A deep-water short course centered on a Virtual Geological Field trip. Examples from Tibet, Mexico, France, Chile and Argentina | RILS

    This course is intended for all those involved in deep-water exploration and development. It covers the range from background oceanographic factors and deepwater processes through to seismic workflows for the practitioner, including detailed treatment of depositional systems and architectures.

    Participants will be guided through and interpret 3D outcrop models, derived from drone data, with examples from large (kilometre-scale) channel levee systems in Chile, Tibet and Mexico, and sheet/lobe systems in France, Chile and Argentina. We will explore ranges in scale from detail of reservoir architecture up to that of entire channel systems, 3D architecture, and its temporal/stratigraphic evolution, overall architecture of sheet systems, their onlap/pinch-out relations and implications on reservoir connectivity.

    Learning on the 3D outcrop models will be interspersed with sessions that will set the scene for deep water depositional systems including background processes, basics of sediment gravity flows, and turbidites and related facies; and also, to give the larger context on initiation mechanisms for sediment gravity flows, external controls on deep water systems, and seismic mapping workflows.

    The course, will be delivered using Stratbox – a multiuser, interactive, virtual remote collaboration platform for Geoscience, developed by Imaged Reality. A short video of some of the outcrops in the course can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfr-VhUhkfA

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